Ristorante chiuso per ferie
B&B aperto!

dal 20/10/2024 al 01/12/2024

miniatura brindisi del 18 dicembre illustrazione digitale

See you at the farm…

We are waiting for you for lunch next Sunday, December 18th, with our delicacies…


Bread fritters with strong Ricotta mousse and cherry tomato preserve
Selection of local cured meats and cheeses
Bites of stewed cod
Chicory terrine in capon broth with Grandma’s meatballs
Wedding cake
Zucchini flan on cheese cream


Pumpkin risotto with knife-edged local sausage cubes
White lasagna with chard, smoked scamorza cheese and crunchy capocollo


Barded suckling pig with colonnata lard on pecorino fondue, cardoncelli mushrooms and pomegranate seeds
Rosemary potatoes

Seasonal fruit
Primitivo wine of our production
Water, Coke
Coffee and Amari

€ 45.00
Baby menu €25.00

toast of december 18 digital illustration


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Or call the +393337845113

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Staff Masseria Alberotanza

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