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Fino al 01/12/2024




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Access to this website presupposes and requires acceptance of the following clauses:

The user acknowledges that the contents, graphics and everything that appears on this site are the exclusive property of Masseria Alberotanza. Duplication, reproduction, even partial, translation, saving, adaptation, publication or distribution by any means and more generally, any provision or use of information or material from this site, in any form , by means of media and technologies existing or developed in the future, are prohibited, unless specifically authorized in writing.

Despite the care taken in the collection, updating and integration of the information published on this site, the same may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors.

Furthermore, no assurance or guarantee of any kind is given regarding the completeness and completeness of the information, nor of its correspondence with the current organization of Masseria Alberotanza, its business structure or type, characteristics, marketability or correspondence to the products, to the company’s services or activities.

Masseria Alberotanza can be contacted for any further information.

The information can be changed or updated at any time without notice. Masseria Alberotanza assumes no responsibility for materials created or published by third parties with which this site is connected. The link to other sites does not imply that Masseria Alberotanza is a commercial sponsor or is affiliated with those who carry out the services described in those sites.

Access to and use of this site presupposes and implies that the user has verified that this does not cause, even indirectly, malfunctions to the computer systems used due to the presence of computer viruses or other causes not attributable to Masseria Alberotanza, which assumes no responsibility in the event of damage caused to the user, including damage to computer systems, loss of data, programs or other negative consequences such as loss of profits or turnover or undue disclosure of unauthorized data and information.

These conditions are governed by Italian law. The Court of Bari, in Italy, will have exclusive jurisdiction and competence for any disputes related to these conditions. However, Masseria Alberotanza reserves the right to take legal action in the courts of countries other than Italy, in order to protect its interests and to ensure that its rights are respected.

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